Instructions : We will not charge full amount of your service at onces. Only you need to pay half of the amount
as the advanced payment (Upfront) and rest of the amount you can pay through this portal after completing your service request.
Bank Transfer Details
Please select your bank and click the button below to view the details:
IMPORTANT : Please add Your Name to the Reference area and Don't add VPN related terms for it.
People’s Bank Details
Bank Name: People’s Bank
Branch: Kandy
Account Number: 003200380033469
Account Holder Name: T.G.D.T.C GAMAGE
Commercial Bank Details
Bank Name: Commercial Bank
Branch: Peradeniya
Account Number: 8022188874
Account Holder Name: T.G.D.T.C GAMAGE
Bank of Ceylon (BOC) Details
Bank Name: Bank of Ceylon (BOC)
Branch: Kandy 2nd
Account Number: 0089918972
Account Holder Name: T.G.D.T.C GAMAGE
Once you have paid the relevant amount to your selected bank account, click the button below to verify your payment
Copied to Clipboard!
Binance Payment
Click below section to copy the Pay ID to your clipboard and Pay the relevant amount to us.
When you doing the payment convert LKR value to current USDT selling price and pay that amount.
Binance Pay ID : 905346957
Once you have paid the relevant amount to our binance account, click the button below to verify your payment
PayPal Payment
Click below link to visit our PayPal Payment Gateway and Convert LKR Value to USD and pay the relevant amount.
Once you have paid the relevant amount to our PayPal, click the button below to verify your payment
Ez Cash Payment
Click below section to copy the EZ cash number to your clipboard and Pay the relevant amount to us.
Make sure to keep or request the payment receipt with you for verify the payment
Important : we added extra 50.00 LKR for the service charge when you paying through this service. So Make
sure to add extra 50.00 to the package price and pay. Otherwise we do not accept your payment.
EZ Cash Number : +94762400410
Once you have paid the relevant amount to our Ez cash, click the button below to verify your payment
Payment Verification
Thank you for the Payment and to verify your payment please fill below form with correct information and press submit button.
Important : Once you submit this verification form to us, we will verify your payment on our side within 24 hours and provide the VPN link to you through WhatsApp, email, or Discord, based on the information you provide to us.
We are Temporally disabled our VPN Services Don't make any payment related to our services. When we back to the
services we will inform you via website and Discord Server. For further information please join our Discord Server. Thank you for your patience.